As a women-led community created to inspire and advise women entrepreneurs to innovate through technology, specifically by adopting a technology-driven strategy in their businesses, Connected Women has managed to positively impact a myriad of women-led businesses and start-ups in the Philippines.
On May 16th, women entrepreneurs of Bohol held their second Connected Women meet up in Tagbilaran City with the panel discussion topic as The Use of Technology in Environmental Advocacy. A few amazing Boholana speakers shared their testimonies, valuable knowledge and examples of current movements that are truly making a difference, such as the following.
1. Bohol Climate Walkers
An environmentalist group made up of both women and men who walk for various environmental causes, Bohol Climate Walkers literally places an active spirit into their various campaigns. Causes related to clean energy and a low-carbon lifestyle are what keep this group constantly on their feet, hoping for “100% clean energy worldwide.”
2. Plastic Free Bohol
This is a perfect example of people of all ages coming together for the greater good. This dedicated group advocates against plastic pollution and consistently works towards keeping Bohol clean via organized clean-ups around the island and local events that educate people on the matter.
3. March For The Ocean
Also known as M4O, March For The Ocean is an American organization that focuses on protecting the ocean from all kinds of pollution, in an effort to save and perhaps restores our blue planet. Like their name suggests, they are currently urging everyone to join the March For The Ocean on June 9, 2018, in Washington, D.C., with sister marches in multiple other places like Bohol, Philippines. M4O wants this march to be massive, encouraging interested people to get in touch with them to initiate a sister march in their own city.
4. FishForever
With an interesting method to conserve ocean resources, FishForever directly aids fishers struggling to maintain an economically-sustained lifestyle in countries where fishing is a significant resource and source of income for many, such as Indonesia, Brazil, and the Philippines. Their solution consists of putting together a program of multiple strategies which include community support, fishery management, exclusive access privileges and many more. This program also helps protect marine habitat by establishing no-fishing zones, so that fish can freely reproduce and spill over to fishing zones, thus providing fishers with a continuous flow of fish.
5. Hydroponics
The method of growing plants without soil, simply using water and fertilizer is called hydroponics. Many people opt for growing their plants this way for many reasons. It can help save 20x the water you would use with soil, you can grow anywhere, it is a sterile environment without pesticides, you can grow all year, it requires considerably less space, and there are many more benefits. Such an innovative system is ideal for farmers, gardening enthusiasts, or environmentalists interested in growing their own plants using an eco-friendly method.
How We Can Help
Further, the Women Connected speakers provided useful tips on how to make a difference in our own communities. Using reusable-everything is one of the best ways to start. Replacing things that don’t require single-uses such as straws, water bottles, plastic bags (use your own shopping bag), with your own reusable item, can be simple solutions to prominent environmental issues.
Following the end of the panel discussion, women entrepreneurs were given a chance to ask questions, and many of them simply wanted to know how they could help, striving to put their minds together and find a solution for a common good.

Connected Women Bohol